CREATing Beyond REACTing
The phenomenon of our existence fascinates me and I am continually awed by the essential fact of being alive as a human being. I understand the nature of our existence, and all of creation, to be guided by balancing principles that we can direct so long as we awaken to them. Through my creative process I seek to balance CREATION and REACTION, CREATing and REACTing to the collective realities we continually enact. We must reactively reflect and proactively resist the racist capitalist state that humans have constructed, with all of its horrific injustices and violences; that is our critical social responsibility. We must equally CREATE the vision we may or may not have already witnessed, that honors the sacred interconnectedness of all beings and the wonder within this life - the beauty of being. |
"What We Believe: A Black Lives Matter Principles Activity Book" |
"You Have Rights" Activity Book for the Commission on Human Rights |